miércoles, 18 de agosto de 2010

Official presentation

Wednesday, August18,2010

This was the first day of official presentations of all  participants, the staff from the AED (Academy of Educational Development) and people from the University of Maryland who are administering our program.

The first speaker we listened to was Dr. Gary Weaver who spoke about the impact of being in contact with other cultures and the necessity to understand each other features and customs. He referred to the different things we talk about when introducing ourselves, family or job and the difference between “What you DO and what you are, (BE)”

We were together with the American Fulbrighters travelling to our country and other parts of the world, we separated into two groups and we were given information about the administration of the Fulbright grant.

After that the whole group departed for a tour of the Capitol building in Washington DC.

The whole international group. The Capitol behind.
Welcome party

That night we had a welcome party where we were invited to present something related to typical things  of our own country. We presented a video about Argentina and a song by Leon Gieco plus some information about our  mate as a representative feature of our culture. The South African teacher performed a native  dance and invited us to participate.