Sunday, September 5, 2010
Today was a day full of discoveries and new experiences. The trip to Washington started at 10 a.m. approximately when the Metro bus appeared down Cherry Hill and took us to College Park Metro Station, there we took the train to Arlington Cemetery. The place was impressive, full of tombs arranged in such a way that looked like the pieces of a domino game. Apart from this particularity, there were many monuments in honor to many people who had been icons in American History.
Arlington Cemetery |
From Arlington Cemetery and walking across the bridge over the Potomac River, one of the most representative memorials could be seen, the magnificent Lincoln Memorial, from where Martin Luther King delivered his famous “I have a dream” speech, inside, the white marble figure of the former president of the U.S. sitting in his chair.
The reflecting pool |
From the memorial and looking towards the city, the Washington Memorial could be seen also on the reflecting pool. To both sides of the pool where Tom Hanks in Forest Gum met his girlfriend, the Korean and Vietnam veterans Memorials can be visited. At the end of the reflecting pool the World War II Memorial, a round pool surrounded by huge marble stones and fountains in the middle, was impressive. After this trip, Metro combinations seems to be getting less complicated.
Lincoln Memorial |