Friday, October 29, 2010
This morning at 8, all of us were at College Park metro station ready to travel to AED offices. The weekly seminar was held there with representatives of the three organizations that support and organize our scholarships, the Department of State, AED and UMD.
All the international teachers were able to talk about their experiences, as well as professional and personal growth during the first half of the Fulbright program. It was another emotive meeting to talk about the relevance of our experiences in the States and the progressive consolidation of the group.
After having “spicy” Indian food for lunch, we took a tour of AED offices and departed for Newseum. This is a really interesting interactive museum, which immerse you in the world´s greatest news stories of all people, places and times. The exhibits include objects related to a specific piece of news and one of the most impressive is a display of several sections of the Berlin Wall that was dismantled in 1989. Another highlight in the museum is a piece of a huge aerial that originally was on top of one of the World Trade Center towers when they collapsed on the 9/11 attack.