I have created this blog to let you share my experience with you all.
viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010
Amtrak to Fredericksburg
Friday, October 1, 2010
This Friday started as usual with our weekly seminar in Benjamin Building and after midday everything was ready to start our trip to Virginia to attend VATESOL conference ( Virginia, Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages). So the first move was to reach Union Station and change our printed bar code into a “real” train fare. Once at the station, it was only necessary to scan the code and automatically the printed ticket came up. We looked for the right gate and the right track and waited for our first trip on Amtrak, the most famous train in the U.S. After less than two hours, we got to Fredericksburg, our destination. It is a small town, quite different from DC, with picturesque, colorful, low, brick houses and churches. A taxi took us to Affordable Suites of America which is situated next to Mary Washington University, the place where the conference will be held tomorrow.